Educational programs and courses now in Tech Comm on a Map

Tech Comm on a Map now has a category for educational programs and courses, such as university technical communication degrees or certificates and other training courses. Take a look and let me know if you have something to add.

Tech Comm on a Map puts technical communication titbits onto an interactive map, together with the data and functionality provided by Google Maps. It’s a great way of seeing what we tech writers are up to, around the world. To find out more about the project, or to add something to the map, check out the project information page.

Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 3.23.10 pm

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 3 January 2015, in Google Maps, tech comm on a map, technical writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 12 Comments.

  1. If you want to get a list of tech comm programs, here are a couple of links an academic sent me:

    I didn’t have the energy to look through them and pull out the info to add it to the map, but someone else might.

  2. Also for courses there is the STC Academic Database, but I imagine there’s plenty of overlap with Tom’s lists There are many (more than the 4 listed at least… 😉 so I’ll wait to mention any specific ones until the programs in the existing lists are populated.

    • Fer, if you’re interested in plotting some education program data in a spreadsheet to populate this map, I’d be happy to set you up. You just need to put things like the name, URL, lat/long coordinates, and a description into some columns in Excel. They get populated on the map immediately.

      • Don’t you or Sarah have an intern or someone to do this for you…? ha, no, thanks for volunteering me though, but I’ll leave this task to others to put their institution of learning “on the map”.

  3. My intern’s time expired when the year ended. It was great having a personal intern to run errands, proofread blog posts, and take care of the kids. Now I guess I’ll have to do all that myself. Sigh…

  4. Hallo Tom and Fer
    Thank you very much for the info! I’ll take a look at those lists when time allows.

  5. MadWorld 2015 conference information can be found here:

    Looks like 2014 details are still listed on your map.


  6. Thanks for putting this together, Sarah! Cedarville University (in Cedarville, OH) also offers a degree in technical communication. I believe it’s called Technical and Professional Writing.

  7. Hello Sarah,

    We are happy to announce you that our technical writing degree has been recognised by the European Union (

    So, would it be possible to change information about CI3M on the map by this :

    CI3M offers an e-learning master’s degree program in technical writing.


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