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New style for Confluence documentation – what do you think

To mark the impending release of Confluence 5.0, we’ve applied a new style to the Confluence documentation. It’s done by means of some snazzy CSS, created by Andrew Prentice, Valter Fatia and Paul Watson.

What do you think of the new look? We’d love your feedback on the styles, the way some information is hidden until you hover over it (try zooming your cursor around the page to find the hidden bits) and the contrast with the standard Confluence 5.0 look.

Our customised styles

We’ve applied custom CSS only to the latest documentation space on the wiki – that’s the documentation for Confluence 5.0. This space is using the Documentation theme, but with a lot of CSS on top:

Documentation space with custom stylesheets

Documentation space with custom stylesheets

The standard Confluence 5.0 styles in the Documentation theme

The documentation for Confluence 4.3 is on the same wiki, but we haven’t applied the custom stylesheets. The wiki is already running Confluence 5.0, so you can see the new 5.0 look and feel without any custom styling. The space is using the Documentation theme:

Documentation space with standard styling

Documentation space with standard styling

The standard Confluence 5.0 styles in the default theme

Just for completeness, here’s the Atlassian Training space, on the same wiki, but using the default Confluence 5.0 theme:

A space using the default Confluence 5.0 theme

A space using the default Confluence 5.0 theme

How do you add CSS to a Confluence space?

It’s all in the documentation: Styling Confluence with CSS.

Thoughts? 🙂