How to add a banner to website pages using Hugo

A while back, I needed to display a banner on every page of a documentation website. Furthermore, I wanted the banner to appear only under specific conditions. We use Hugo as the static site generator for the website. Here’s what I figured out, using Hugo templates.

I wanted to add a banner to the archived versions of the Kubeflow documentation, such as v0.7 and v0.6, letting readers know that they’re viewing an unmaintained version and pointing them to the latest docs.

Here’s an example of such a banner:

In Kubeflow’s case, the purpose of the banner is to catch people who enter the archived documentation from a web search and make sure they realise that a more up-to-date set of docs is available.

Summary: Adding a banner to a page with Hugo templating

In essence, you need to do the following:

  • Figure out which Hugo layout file is responsible for the base layout of your pages. In the case of the Kubeflow docs, the responsible layout file is at layouts/docs/baseof.html. You can see an example of the layout file in the Docsy theme: layouts/docs/baseof.html. (Kubeflow uses Docsy on top of Hugo.)
  • Add the code for your banner to the layout file. Or, even better, create a partial layout, often called just a partial. A partial is a snippet of code written in Hugo’s templating language. Put the code for your banner into the partial, then call the partial from the base layout. For the Kubeflow version banner, the code sits in a Hugo partial named version-banner.html.

There’s an explanation of the code later in this post.

Making the banner’s appearance conditional

In order to offer docs for multiple versions of Kubeflow, we have a number of websites, one for each major version of the product. The overall configuration of the websites for the different versions is the same. For example, we have the current Kubeflow documentation, and archived versions 0.7 and 0.6.

I wanted to make sure we had to do only minimal extra configuration to cause the banner to appear on the archived doc sets. I didn’t want to have to edit the layouts each time we create an archive. A good solution seemed to be a parameter that we can set in the site’s configuration file.

How it works – first the configuration settings

The parameter that controls the appearance/non-appearance of the banner is named archived_version. If the parameter is set to true, the banner appears on the website. The parameter value is false for the main doc site, When we create an archived version of the docs, we set the parameter to true.

The parameter is defined in the site configuration file, config.toml. The configuration file also contains a version number and the URL for the latest version of the docs. Both these fields are used in the banner text.

Here’s a snippet showing the relevant part of the configuration file:

# The major.minor version tag for the version of the docs represented in this
# branch of the repository. Used in the "version-banner" partial to display a
# version number for this doc set.
version = "v1.0"

# Flag used in the "version-banner" partial to decide whether to display a
# banner on every page indicating that this is an archived version of the docs.
archived_version = false

# A link to latest version of the docs. Used in the "version-banner" partial to
# point people to the main doc site.
url_latest_version = ""

How it works – the content and logic

For the Kubeflow website, a Hugo layout file is responsible for the base layout of the documentation pages:layouts/docs/baseof.html. You can see an example of the layout file in the Docsy theme: layouts/docs/baseof.html. (Kubeflow uses Docsy on top of Hugo.)

I inserted the following line into the base layout:

{{ partial "version-banner.html" . }}

The above line calls a Hugo partial named version-banner.html. The partial contains the banner content and logic. (I’ve contributed the logic for the version banner to Docsy, which is why the URL leads to the Docsy repository.)

Below is a screenshot of the content of the partial. Unfortunately I can’t paste the code, because WordPress strips out all HTML:

You can copy the code from the partial: version-banner.html.

The code does the following:

  • Check the value of the archived_version parameter. If true, continue to the next step.
  • Get the value of the url_latest_version parameter, for use in the banner content when giving readers a link to the latest version of the docs.
  • Get the value of the version parameter, for use in the banner content when showing readers the version of the website that they’re viewing.
  • Create an HTML div containing the styling and content for the banner.

Here’s the screenshot of the banner again, so that you can compare it to the HTML div:

Docs or it didn’t happen

I created a user guide for other people who want to use the banner logic on their sites using the Docsy theme: How to display a banner on archived doc sites.

I also updated the release procedures for the Kubeflow engineering/docs team, explaining that we must set the archived_version parameter to true when archiving a website version.

In closing

I hope this post is useful to you, if you find that you need to add a banner to a website using Hugo templating!

About Sarah Maddox

Technical writer, author and blogger in Sydney

Posted on 1 April 2020, in open source, technical writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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